Monday, February 02, 2004
Ben sent this to me yesterday. I have permission to post. Excerpts from the travelogue of Ben into the deepest darkest jungles of childhood:
"...I buried my dad today. I knew I would have to do it eventually, I just didn't think it would be so soon. I guess that's pretty fucking stupid considering who I am. The woman's husband came and was very nice. He wanted to apologize for his wife's behavior. She was considering rehab. I wanted to smack him at the end of every sentence. Just as punctuation. I didn't. I was the good son. I'm sitting up here in my room that my mother has apparently been scrapping in. There's pictures everywhere and little beads and papers and crap all over. She hasn't stopped crying. My aunt keeps asking me if I can't get her anything, which I would be more than happy to, but I won't because my mother doesn't want anything. She wants to completely grieve for her husband and grandson and that's up to her. She won't even take the Vicodin they gave her for her shoulder. I might have to slip my lovely aunt a lot of something. A little rat poison with ground up glass for starters. If she introduces me to one more "nice" girl I'm calling in a whore to tramp up the place. Maybe you could send Pleasure over in a box with airholes and he/she could jump out and really get this funeral started. Maybe that would shut her the fuck up.
My sister is a wreck. Michael's coffin was so little it didn't look like he could fit in there. It was light blue and it had sailboats on it. It was surreal. Everything is surreal. There's so much paperwork. The insurance guy came to the house after Temple. I don't if it's that's nice, or good customer service, or just sheisty. This whole time I've been wearing my new Boss suit and my Magli shoes. The shoes squeeze my feet. For some reason I feel like I deserve it and I'm still wearing them. I have them on right now. Tell Katrin that. I'm sure she'll have some insight.
Please feed my dog. Please, please, please do not be mean to Enoch because he shit in the house. I don't know why that happened. Please walk him or call someone to walk him. Dogs need routine. Please don't let cockroaches take over the house. They're not good roommates. They won't pay half the cable bill. I'll call you.
Th-th-th-at's all folks!
Mr Steve
Free The WM3
The Crew
brought to you by The Shadow * 1:40 PM